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Living as a ceramic artist is the culmination of a lifelong passion for making things with my hands, a lifelong love for mythology, ancient cultures, and symbolism, and an intense curiosity about ecology, science, mathematics and our relationship to nature.


 I live and work in South Minneapolis in a great old two story house with my family, fur and non-fur bearing. Being able to work at home has made being a studio potter a joy. 


I now have my very own bisque kiln in my garage.  If you are interested in the long and somewhat excruciating process of transforming the garage into my work space check out my studio pictures. Even more exciting I was able to finally move my studio into the basement this fall! 

​un·der·sto·ry (ndr-stôr, -str-) n. An underlying layer of vegetation, especially the plants that grow beneath a forest's canopy.

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